ELD Coach Services |
Corinna Monje Corinna Monje taught in the classroom for 5 years. Of those five years three were working with ELD students. During those three years she dedicated herself to pushing her students to proficiency which resulted in a number of reclassifications by her students. She was also the schools’ Student Council sponsor for 3 years. She became an ELD coach within the Curriculum Department in 2011 and has worked with ELD teachers in improving their reclassification numbers by providing assistance and her knowledge of the ELD program for the past two year. Corinna is a product of the Douglas Unified School district, graduating in 1998 from Douglas High School. She currently has three children, two of which are students in the Elementary level. Her dedication to this district and to the students and teachers that she supports can be measured in her devotion to her work and in helping to make the DUSD district a competitor and leader in education today. |
Maira Gonzalez “Throughout my personal educational studies I observed in various learning environments and observed the unique ways different educators approach the teaching process.” |