Mrs. Rodna LaMadrid
Phone(520) 364-2461

Dear Parents,
Welcome to the 2024-25 School Year. I am honored to be the instructional leader for this amazing school! We know the children of our community have great potential, and it requires every individual in their lives to purposefully work together for their success. With determination and teamwork, we can make this year a positive and productive year. We welcome your participation and support this school year and solicit your membership in the Parent/Teacher/Student Organization (PTSO). A collaborative effort will enable us to reach our collective and individual goals and celebrate the achievements of our students.
Our Ray Borane Middle School Staff believe that open and clear communication between school and home is important to the success of our educational program. We will work together as a community to provide our students with the academic and social emotional support they need to be successful this school year. Thank you and I look forward to our journey together!
Mrs. Rodna LaMadrid