$4.00 Adult & $2.00 Student

The following passes for all home athletic events are available at the DHS Bookstore from 8am - 3pm.

  • Student Pass - $30

  • Adult Pass - $50

  • Family Pass (4) - $75

  • Family Pass (5) - $90

DHS Pass excludes AIA Tournaments


Certified athletic trainers are allied health professionals who are responsible for the health care of active people. Certified athletic trainers are educated in the areas of injury prevention, injury and illness evaluation, first aid, injury treatment, rehabilitation, nutrition, conditioning and reconditioning, supportive taping, bracing and padding, and athletic healthcare administration. The profession practices in a variety of settings such as schools, colleges, professional athletic teams, clinics, industry, health clubs, the military, performing arts companies, and with police or fire fighters associations. The profession of athletic training was organized in 1950 through the National Athletic Trainers Association and was recognized by the American Medical Association as an allied health profession in 1990. Nationally, athletic training is regulated by the Board of Certification (BOC) which regulates the profession for certification (Certified Athletic Trainer) and sets standards for maintaining high standards in the profession. Athletic trainers must be licensed by the Arizona Board of Athletic Training in the State of Arizona. Athletic Training continues to retain the respect of other health professions and athletic associations.

The Douglas High School athletic training program serves the student-athletes of the high school. Several Douglas students work as athletic training student aides and benefit from the rich athletic tradition of Douglas High School. Many former athletic training student aides currently work in the field of medicine as athletic trainers, nurses, emergency medical technicians, physical therapists and medical technicians.